She knew many theatrical personalities and had worked, among others, with George Bernard Shaw.
柯林斯例句Oscillators include Force Index, Rate of Change, and Stochastic, among others.
振荡指标包括力量指数, 变化速率, 和随机指标, 等等.
互联网Several persons are invited , and among others , M. Danglars, your banker.
我请了几个人, 其中就有你们的银行家腾格拉尔先生.
互联网Among others these include the price and the change of price.
互联网I'm studying accounting principles, philosophy, calculus, English among others.
我学会计原理, 哲学, 微积分, 还有英语等其它课程.
互联网Among others are Purcell, Wagner, Verdi, Puccini, and Richard Strauss.
其他还有珀塞尔 、 瓦格纳 、 威尔地 、 普契尼和理查德·斯特劳斯.
互联网It features compact structure , easy operation and reliable running among others.
并具有结构紧凑 、 使用方便、运转可靠等特点.
互联网Additional features include bookmarks, beaming , copy and paste, search among others.
其他特点包括书签, 亮度调节, 复制粘贴, 搜索等等.
互联网Forster , Joseph Conrad , George Orwell , Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Henrik Ibsen , among others.
奥威尔, 陀思妥耶夫斯基, 易卜生等.
互联网Smith among others, was there.
在场的人中, 还有史密斯.
互联网The first fund of funds, among others.
互联网Among others there was Mr. A.
互联网Among others, you'll create new fragrances for perfumes.
其中, 你将创造新气味的香水.
互联网At present, there are financial markets, quality inspection, post and telecommunications, among others 7,36 transfer stations.
目前, 市场内设有金融 、 质检 、 邮电等机构7家, 转运站36家.
互联网Laboratory animals, such as mice, guinea pigs, hamsters , rabbits among others, commonly used in diagnostic virology.
实验动物, 如小鼠, 豚鼠, 仓鼠, 兔等通常用作病毒诊断.
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